Sunday, November 09, 2014

Protect the Hen Harrier

I have a review of Ten Million Aliens by Simon Barnes in the Telegraph.  The following passage was cut in the edit:
...The point is no less true for being a bit of a cliche. Indeed, if some accounts are to be believed, standing up for the truth of it may have may have cost Simon Barnes his lucrative and enjoyable career as Chief Sports Writer at The Times, from which he was dismissed in June of this year. According to some accounts, Barnes spoke up one time too many against the illegal killing in England of Hen harriers, a spectacular and beautiful raptor that is all but extinct in that country. As Barnes notes in the book, “only one pair of hen harriers succeeded in breeding in 2012...
Simon Barnes's blog is here.  In a recent post he says:
I am out there cheering for all the real conservationists... They are the people who are constantly seen as sentimentalists trying to save nice fluffy animals when in fact, as the great Gerald Durrell said, what we’re actually trying to do is stop the human race committing suicide.
The RSPB Hen Harrier Appeal is here

Image: Wild Scotland