Thursday, July 24, 2008

Can poetry be a war crime?

And we're not just talking because it's really really bad, as in Sarajevo, quoted by Ed Vulliamy in his profile of Radovan Karadzic:
I hear misfortune's threads
Turned into a beetle as if an old singer
Had been crushed by the silence and become a voice.
The town burns like incense
In the smoke rumbles our consciousness.
Rollo Romig notes that the poet Semezdin Mehmedinovic remembers watching Karadzic on the news at the height of the siege:
'Karadzic spouted such blatant lies that, in a rage, I found a book of his children’s poetry — There Are Miracles, There Are No Miracles — and began ripping it apart...'

[While] the lawyer Jay Surdukowski, argues that Karadzic’s poems could be submitted in court as evidence of war crimes
Martin Durkin of Great Global Warming Swindle infamy is something of a Karadzic mini-me in that he shares certain psychological traits, including the delusion that there is a conspiracy against him, the willingness to fabricate and perpetrate outrageous lies, and quickness to violent language.

P.S. 27 July: Alexander Hemon notes of the key Karadzic moment "The point of that performance...was the performance itself."

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